Liquidity providers with LP positions in an AMM can migrate their liquidity to the Double protocol and earn DDJ Tokens. Positions are restricted to containing at least one capital type preselected inside the protocol (DAI, USDC, USDT, or WETH, WBTC)
Import a Position
Select the correct AMM using the AMM Selector dropdown
Click Import
Find your LP tokens by selecting the pair of tokens in your liquidity position
Select the capital type
Search for your token using it’s name or contract address
Click the 0.0 number field and enter the amount of tokens you would like to import
tip: Clicking on the Balance amount will autofill the max amount
Click Import to approve the transaction
Confirm the prompt from your wallet to sign the transaction
You can view the progress, as well as the success or failure of the transaction in the block explorer popup once your transaction is submitted
Once your transaction is processed by the network the position will appear on your dashboard
Migrate Liquidity
Select the correct AMM using the AMM Selector dropdown
Click the dropdown arrow next to the liquidity position you would like to migrate
Click Migrate Liquidity
Click Migrate
Confirm the prompt from your wallet to sign the transaction
You can view the progress, as well as the success or failure of the transaction in the block explorer popup once your transaction is submitted
Once your transaction is processed by the network the position will appear as closed on your dashboard
Last updated